Venue: Hope Centre, 53 Fourth Avenue, Klemzig
Conference Speakers
Conference Hosts
Ps Brendan & Helen Kirby pioneered Hope Church in 1998.
They left their jobs, family and friends behind in Melbourne to obey God's call to start a Hope Church here in Adelaide. They now oversee 2 services each Sunday in Klemzig and have the privilege of overseeing churches in Western Australia, West Africa, Central Africa, India and Fiji.
Both Pastors Brendan and Helen believe that faith is the currency of heaven! Faith moves the hand of God. All things are possible to those who believe! (Mark 9:23).
Both pastors have seen many miracles and the power of God first hand, especially overseas.
It is their prayer that through this conference we will be inspired to believe for greater things because the God whose word we believe is a God of power and a God of miracles!
Guest Speaker
Ps Stuart Robinson converted to Christianity in his late teens and felt called to cross-cultural mission work in South Asia. In 1983, he returned to Australia, where he became Senior Pastor of Crossway Baptist Church, growing it into one of Australia’s largest churches.
He transferred his Senior Pastoral responsibilities to his successor in 2008-09, and since then, he has been free to write books—three of which have reached "bestseller" status. He also focuses on mentoring younger pastors and cross-cultural workers, and speaking at conferences. His conference themes arise from his life’s work, including prayer, church growth, cross-cultural mission, and Islam. He has ministered in over 70 countries and holds multiple academic qualifications.
When asked to describe his life and ministry, he replies, "I’m just a nobody who has been sent to tell anybody that Somebody died for everybody." That Somebody is Jesus Christ, whom Stuart still follows.