Pastors Brendan and Helen Kirby both resigned their jobs in Melbourne and moved to Adelaide to start Hope Church Adelaide with 5 others in October 1998.

As newly weds (4yrs) and with very little savings, they ventured into adventure together with a passionate vision to help fulfil the Great Commission through planting vibrant and healthy churches. 

It all started with a small home group in Klemzig and a university group which they ran while working full time jobs.  

Since then, they have grown Hope Church Adelaide locally and currently have the privilege of overseeing 2 churches in Western Australia, over 25 churches in West Africa, over 100 churches in Central Africa and over 110 churches in India.

The church vision is essentially about saving souls, making disciples and building vibrant, healthy churches! 

It is their hope to see many more people join hands together to help people come to know the love of Christ, and to grow and plant more churches in the coming years!