Our Connection. Our Vision 

We are part of an international apostolic movement known as Hope International Movement (H.I.M.) consisting over 400 churches over 45 nations. 

Our vision which aligns with H.I.M. is to 'Build The People and Build His Church' in order to fulfill God's Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:19-20. 

Hope Core Values

Christ Centered

Christ is central to who we are and what we do. We are passionate about our relationship with Christ; submitting to His Lordship and in growing to be like Christ.

Holy Spirit Empowered

We believe in the importance of being Spirit-filled and Spirit-led. We emphasise reliance on the Holy Spirit in every facet of our personal and church life.

Bible Based

The Bible is the foundational authority for faith and practice. We emphasise expository preaching and balanced comprehensive practical teaching so that our members may understand, live out and mature in the Christian life as God intended.

Covenantal Relationships

God is a covenantal God. He seeks people who are committed to Him and His purpose, and with one another. We believe an appropriate response to Gods covenant involves loving, honouring and worshipping Him above all else. We seek to develop covenantal relationships among believers through committing to love and build up one another.

Enriching Community Life

We are committed to being a life-enriching community. We are committed to building an authentic and biblical community that unconditionally loves and effectively enfolds people of all cultures and backgrounds.

Vision Driven

We believe in the importance of a God-given, biblical vision that requires nothing less than our obedience to fulfilling the entirety of Gods vision for the church. We are passionate with the vision to fulfil the Great Commission by raising Christ-centred disciples to plant vibrant biblical churches in all nations in the world that will impact every sphere of human endeavour for Christ.

Disciple Making

We are dedicated to developing and multiplying fully devoted disciples with Christ-like attitudes, values and Kingdom-focused lifestyles. We aim to raise disciples that are passionate about Jesus, people and the Great Commission.

Leadership Development

We believe that every Christ follower has leadership potential. We are committed to equipping and training to raise quality leaders to impact the world for Christ.

Church Planting

Every believer has a part to play in reaching our communities and every nation with the Gospel. Our world missions strategy is to plant vibrant biblical churches in every nation. We are committed to empowering members to share their faith and impact their communities. We believe that every believer has a part to play in world-missions.

Apostolic Oriented

God uses five-fold ministries: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to mature the Church to the fullest extent. An apostolic movement incorporating the five-fold ministry is Gods plan for the end-time Church.