

The Catering Department plays an important role in the Church by providinglight refreshments to people after the service, while at the same time encouraging fellowship amongst people.

Food draws people - where there is food (especially yummy food), people will flock! This enables opportunities to strike up conversations with people, especially those visiting our Church. We are able to demonstrate hospitality, generosity, and provide temporary relief from hunger pangs! Anyone can be involved, especially if you love cooking! See it as a way of blessing the Church with yourhands when you cook or prepare food for the Church.


• Attend Church regularly

• Be willing to make or buy light refreshments prior to the service, prepare them and (if necessary), serve them to people after Service

• There are no specific foods, and creative ideas are welcome!

• Suggestions include muffins, cookies, fruit, pizzas, sandwiches, cakes forthe first service and light lunch i.e. chicken pasta, noodles for the second service

• The budget for each service is different; please keep your receipts and theChurch will reimburse you

• Ensure kitchen is clean after food preparation

Time Commitment/Involvement

• Once or twice on a 7 week roster

Contact: Zynne Lim



 Hope Cafe

The Hope Café is responsible for providing hot beverages to the church mem-bers before and after each service. It is a good way to meet and welcome newand existing members, as many people enjoy a hot drink before and after theservice.


• Attend Church services regularly

• Willing to serve and clean

• Have barista skills (optional)

Time commitment/Involvement

• 2-4 times in a 9-week period for either one of the two services

• Ensure coffee area is clean at all times (wipe down area from time to timeas this area may get messy)

• Arrive at 9am (for the first service) and 11:15am (for the second service)for pre service drinks

• Finish at 11:15am (for the first service) and 1:15pm (for the second ser-vice) for after service drinks

• Once you have finished, pack away and clean the coffee area and cleanany utensils or reusable items and pack away in kitchen

• Clean the kitchen after the service

• Attend 3 x 1 hour department meetings during the year

Contact: Anushka Christie
