The purpose of the Transport Ministry is to provide transport to anybody whowould like to attend Services held at Hope Church. It is a significant ministry. For some of the people we serve, it may mean the difference between knowing Jesus or not. It means a lot to the Church as we endeavor to build God’s house.
• Hold a valid driver’s licence (international licences are acceptable if it is English translated), and a car.
• When you are needed for transport, you will be contacted by Saturdaynight with the name, number and address of your transportee. Your phonenumber will also be given to your transportee.
• Transporting someone to Church means that you’re also in charge of taking them home, unless other arrangements have been made.
• God loves a cheerful giver! Let’s try to rejoice in this opportunity to giveback to God, even when we get up early and drive to Nowhere-ville only tofind that our transportee doesn’t answer the door. Praise the Lord!
• Know that you may be the main connection between your transporteeand the Church - so try to get them connected. If they’re not regular to the Church, DON’T drop them at the door and walk away. Find them someoneto talk to, and someone to sit next to. Be intentional and prayerful aboutconversations in the car.
Time Commitment/Involvement
• Transport may begin up to an hour before the Service starts, dependingon where your transportee lives. Every effort should be made to transportpeople to Church 5 minutes before the Service starts.
• After the Service, you can start dropping them home at a time that suitsyou and your transportee.
• It helps us to remember this: “I have given You only what came from Yourhand” (1 Chron 29:14). My car is not my own, neither is my petrol, mylicence, my awesome driving skills, my time, my energy. Thank you Jesus, for these gifts in my life!
Contact: David Tan
Chat Hosting
At Hope Church, we have a vision to connect people and build God’s churchin order to fulfill God’s Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:19-20. Wewould like to reach people around Australia and all over the world. Do youhave the same vision and would like to reach out to people all over the world? Do you want to be part of God’s Great Commission?
If your answer is ‘Yes’ to those questions, our online chat host team is foryou! Ever since COVID-19 started, we have had the opportunity to reach outto people in the Philippines, Africa, China, Hong Kong and many more with our growing online platform. This also aligns with our church’s focus to SaveSouls, Make Disciples and Building Churches, and we thank God for this great opportunity. To be able to reach out to more people around the world, we willneed more volunteers to help us grow our presence online.
• Be a faithful member, loyal to the leadership of this Church
• Be friendly and enthusiastic to serveTime Commitment/Involvement
• Attend Chat Host Team meetings and trainings every 3 months
• Able to serve 1.5 hours online on a Sunday morning
• Pray for people by name regularly
Contact: Stefanie Then
Stage Props
The Stage Props Team is powering on in 2023! We are so blessed to play ourpart in creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for everyone who comes to Church. We hope that everyone is blessed and encouraged when they see thefresh new designs that are put up throughout the year. It is a unique ministry with a blend of creativity and hands on labour which comes together to create amazing visuals on the stage. We are always looking for new ideas and materials that can capture and create an exciting atmosphere in Church.
The Stage Props Team will again look to work with the Pastors and Project Managers of the Big Days throughout the year.
We are looking for people who have a servant heart and willing hands to serveGod in a practical and meaningful way.
Some of the skills required include:
1. Have a creative mind with a flair for the visual arts.
2. Have handyman skills, or enjoy working with your hands. If you have any of the above skills and would love to contribute in this area,then this team is for you!
• Be actively attending Church
•Be willing to work as a team
• Have a willingness to adhere to safe work systems
• Have an ability to keep deadlines, and be involved in some afterhours work
Time Commitment/Involvement
• 2 hours every fourth Saturday in the month from 2-4pm
• 1 hour team meeting per quarter after Church - usually from 1-2pm
Contact: Lucy Lu & Andy Leake
Our Church is the house of God and it is where we all meet as one big family! A comfortable home is a welcoming home, and we as the cleaning Departmentwant to make sure everyone who walks through the doors of the Church feels comfortable and welcomed the moment they step foot into the Church, by keep-ing the floors clean! This is a department where anyone can be involved; all it takes is a heart to serve God. So come and join us as we strive to bless theChurch!
• Willingness to serve
• Responsible and trustworthy
Time Commitment/Involvement
• Willing to volunteer twice per 7 week roster
• To stay back until 1pm or 2pm to vacuum/mop all areas of the Church
Contact: Stefanie Then & Han Tay
Church Supplies
Is there a passion for organisation and management within you that you wishto put into practice? Do you enjoy keeping things orderly and accounted for? Then this is the department for you! There are many different departments in Church that have items they need on a regular basis, and the Church Supplies Department is responsible for making sure all those items are available for useevery week. This allows the Church to function smoothly, week in, week out. If this sounds like a task for you, then come and join the team and help us to servethe Church faithfully!
• Willingness to serve
• Responsible and trustworthy
• Have a car
• Costco membership (optional)
• Attention to detail
Time Commitment/Involvement
• Willing to conduct a stock check fortnightly
• To help maintain and keep the store room clean and tidy
Contacts: Stefanie Then & Kevin Lu
Kitchen Support
At Hope Church, we love the community atmosphere that happens over foodand drinks each Sunday!
In order to cater for the growth of our Church and to ensure our Catering De-partment continues to provide an excellent service, we are creating this newdepartment called “Kitchen Support Team”.
This department will be working hand in hand with the Service Support Depart-ment (SST) to provide all the necessary support for the catering and kitchenarea.If you love working with people and food, or you are just offering to help in general, this is the department for you!
• Regular Church attendance
• Willingness to serve
• Ability to work with a team
Time Commitment/Involvement
• 2 Sundays per roster either in the first service or the second service orboth•If you are rostered, you are prepared to start serving at 10:30am for thefirst service and by 12:30pm for the second service.
Specific Duties
• Washing dishes
• Serving food
• Set up cafe tables, kitchen clean up and wipe down
• Ensure kitchen is clean and organise after each service
Contact: Stefanie
Church Handyman
We are so blessed to own our Church building site, and we want to make surethe main hall and all the adjacent rooms always look great and function well! Externally, our building and gardens require regular maintenance, and alsooccasional minor repairs.
Church buildings are extremely important. Every time we take a block ofland and put a church on it, we are building another altar for God on thisearth. What an incredible thought! So we want to ensure that God’s house iswell-maintained!
We are looking for a handyman who has a bit of spare time, who enjoys working with his/her hands, and has a vision to work as a team with other handy-men! If you are that person, we would love to have you on board!
• Be a regular member of Church
• Able to support our handyman with odd jobs when neededTime Commitment/Involvement
• Have a few hours on Saturdayfree per month
• Occasionally, have some timefree during week nights if there isan urgent need
Contact: Ps Helen Kirby or Mark Diaz
Sunday Service Support
Don’t like standing on stage where everyone can see you? We’ve got the jobfor you! We are the ‘backstage’ crew of the Church. We ensure the hall is cleanand tidy every Sunday, and help anywhere that needs that extra pair of hands.
• Attend Church regularly
• Faithfulness
• Willing to serve
• Muscles not required :D
Time commitment/Involvement
• Initially you would be rostered on for 2 Sundays out of the 7 week roster.
• Before Service: Come to Church at 8:45am for the first service and10:45am for the second service on Sunday mornings to arrange and wipethe chairs, check the supplies for the toilet and water dispenser, and en-sure general tidiness of the hall.
• During Service: Collect tithes and offerings, hand out sermon notes,distribute communion (first Sunday of the month)
• After Service:Empty bins (toilet, kitchen and hall), rearrange and wipethe chairs, and general clean-up of the hall.
Contact: Stefanie Then & Gabriel Kwan